Podcast Editing:
Level Up

Learn how to
produce better sounding podcasts.

The Problem:

Learning To Edit Podcasts Shouldn't Be This Tough

It's easy enough to learn the basics of podcast editing, but where do you go to take that next step?

Symptom 1

You feel lost.

You are responsible for the audio quality of the episodes you work on, whether it's your show or a client's. You hear other shows and wonder how you can make yours sound as good. Countless hours have been spent in the Google and YouTube rabbit holes looking for answers but you emerge more confused than before. How do you know if the advice is good or bad?

a person in a field holding up a map
person hitting their fist into a wall in frustration
Symptom 2

Your episodes aren't improving.

The struggles continue and it's difficult to find ways to improve the audio quality. RX is intimidating. EQ is a mystery. And you still don't quite understand what compression does or why it's important.

Symptom 3

You can't find the right resources.

No matter where you look, you never quite find what you're searching for -- the questions remain. The resources for podcast editing are focused on specific topics or tasks, but there's nothing that put's it all together for you.

frustrated person holding a help sign
hand waiving a white flag
Symptom 4

You don't have confidence in your skills.

After everything you've learned, you still lack confidence in your abilities. The lack of understanding EQ and compression are holding you back. The recordings you work on have noise, reverb, and other sounds you don't know how to fix. You just want to become a better editor and it shouldn't be this tough to learn.

I've been where you are.

As a self-taught audio engineer, I know how challenging it can be to learn from a mixture of books, YouTube videos and internet searches. Trying to figure out how I can work more efficiently so I'm not spending so much time editing each episode. Every speed bump that's slowed you, every roadblock you've hit, I've been there. I've taken courses, read books and watched tutorials. Throughout all of these challenges, I've learned a lot and I want to teach it to you.

  • 20 years experience in digital audio
  • Certified Podcast Engineer
  • Self-employed full time podcast editor
  • My work has been listened to by millions of listeners
Jesse working at his editing station

The Solution:

Level Up

Become The Editor You Want To Be

Going from where you are now to where you want to be is as simple as developing your editing chops, learning how to use a few tools and building repeatable processes that will save you time.


Clean Up Audio With Izotope RX

How well you prep your audio can make or break a podcast. Clean audio is easier to listen to and helps you sound more credible. It's part of your sonic brand. Don't cheapen your reputation by skipping this part. Your audience wants to hear clear, easy to understand dialog. They don't want to hear noisy, reverb drenched conversations listening to your guest's dry mouth. Your listeners will thank you.

Screenshot of a noisy audio file in Izotope RX
Image of two compressors stacked

Deliver A Consistent Listening Experience

A well mixed episode will eliminate the volume fluctuations that are normal when people speak. When you learn how to use compression and eq you will quickly produce episodes that are consistent from one episode to the next.


Demystify Mastering

Lufs, loudness meters, true peaks, and limiters. The mastering process is one that trips up a lot of podcasters. You are not alone in the struggle, but it doesn't need to be as overwhelming as it seems. When you have a good mix, hitting your target loudness is simple.

Waveform display of a dynamic piece of dialog

What You Will Learn

Set Up A Process, Templates & Presets

Work out a process that simplifies your workflow and produces predictable results. Save time by creating a template in your daw and presets for your plugins.

Izotope RX

Listen to your tracks and identify what needs to be done to improve the quality. You will learn how to use the most commonly used modules in RX to clean up your audio with confidence.


Learn how to use compression, eq, de-ess and other tools to combat problem audio and create mixes that sound good to your clients or audience.


Quickly and easily remove crosstalk. Create compelling and engaging episodes without losing the naturalness and authenticity of the participants.


Ensure each episode hits industry loudness standards with a simple to use mastering process.

Podcast Editing School

You will get a 12 month membership to our Podcast Editing School community to make this a more interactive learning experience.

View Full Syllabus

Don't Buy This Course

Invest in it. The concepts, techniques, and insight you will learn require you to show up and put in the practice. It will take more than money to master them.

We can’t guarantee immediate results. What we can tell you is that your investment in this course will teach you techniques and processes that can save you time and effort when you master them. The material we cover in each module took us years of bumpy roads, frustration, books, tutorials, courses and practice to learn. We want to help you learn from our mistakes.

If you’re ready to take your post production skills to the next level, it’s time to commit.

Who is this course for?

Anyone new to podcast editing

The only prerequisite is that you are familiar with how to use your daw. This course will teach you the process, techniques and concepts needed to edit podcasts.

Podcast Editors & Podcast Managers

Now that you have clients, has imposter syndrome set in? Maybe your clients are sending you terrible audio that you don't know how to clean up. Build confidence in your skills and understanding of the tools you use.

DIY Podcasters

Are you a DIY'er without the budget for an editor, but want better sound? Here is the blueprint to get you there.

Social Proof

Jesse’s course on audio repair explains every aspect in detail with examples to listen to which helps narrow down what area to hone in on. Jesse was also super helpful when I couldn’t work out how to repair some bad audio and actually took the time to record a short video to explain what steps to take, I would totally recommend this course if you want to take that next step in improving your skills and providing your clients with a higher level end product. It was super helpful and just what I had been looking for.

Lynda Stevenson

Podcast Manager, LJS Creative Services
I developed a system over nearly seven years of podcasting…but I wasn’t satisfied. Jesse analyzed my flow and sound quality and then provided a different approach. I incorporated Jesse’s approach to my podcast and the results are:
1. I regained time by editing more efficiently
2. My sound improved,
3. I have a better understanding of post production work.

Scott Davidson

Host, Living Adaptive & This Is A True Story
As someone who is new to audio/podcasting, it's important that I learn the basics and fundamentals of how audio works, and having, not only an expert, but someone who can teach well, is key to a successful lesson, and Jesse checks both those boxes, I highly recommend!"

Doug Parsons

Host, P23 Podcasts
Jesse's style and quality of audio production is top notch. He is an elite podcast producer due to his experience, talent, knowledge, production tools and personal skills.

Chris Curran

Podcast Engineering School & Host of Podcast Engineering Show


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