Podcast Editor Secret Weapons: How To Use Izotope RX's Spectral De-Noise to Clean Up Noisy Podcast Recordings

Hey, Podcast Editors! Ever wrestled with really bad audio filled with hums, buzzes, and hisses? Spectral Denoise in RX is the tool for you! In this post, we're diving into spectral denoise, a tool that is every podcast editor's go-to friend. From removing that annoying hum to applying noise suppression in the most effective way, we're here to guide you through it all.

Step 1: Identifying and Removing the Hum

Before diving into the noise, the first step is to get rid of the hum. Select a section, learn it, render it, and voila! The hum's gone. No need to worry about the adaptive mode here; learning and applying is the way to go.

Step 2: Finding the Right Noise Spot

To successfully denoise your audio, find a spot with noise only and no other sound. Avoid those tall orange spots or places with too much orange in the spectrogram. They're not good for grabbing a noise profile. Select a noise section, learn, set threshold and reduction controls, and let RX handle the rest.

Step 3: Utilize Noisy and Tonal Reduction Sliders

Two words: noisy and tonal. These are the two types of noise that Spectral Denoise lets you control. Utilize those sliders to get the desired amount of noise suppression in decibels.

But be cautious! Strong suppression can degrade the audio, so only apply as much as needed.

Step 4: Handling Multiple Passes

Sometimes, the audio needs multiple passes. Learn the profile, apply settings, and then check the outcome. It's all about trial and error, but remember, don't go higher than 18-20 on either slider for a single pass. I don't like to go higher than about 14 for each pass if I'm doing two passes.

Step 5: Adjusting Settings

After learning the right settings, rendering out the entire file may be necessary. Adjust settings for the second pass, learn from the new sample, process it, and listen to how it sounds. Repeat as needed.

Step 6: Working with Bad Audio

Sometimes, you may encounter a second example of really bad audio. Apply dehum, render, and work with spectral denoise again. Use a batch processor to save time. The key is to get a clean sample with no other sounds.

Step 7: Fine-Tuning with Voice Denoise

Sometimes, even a good sample can't get everything between the words. That's where Voice Denoise comes in handy. Play around with the settings to achieve the perfect sound.


Spectral De-noise in RX provides podcast editors a tool to clean up and fine-tune audio like never before. Practice and patience are key, as is developing critical listening skills. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro, these techniques will save you time and make your audio sound clean and professional.

Remember, our goal is to make any imperfections so imperceptible that the average listener won't even notice they're there. The more you experiment and learn, the faster you'll master this incredible tool.

Ready to become a denoise wizard? Enroll in Podcast Editing School.