How to Position a Microphone for a Podcast: Tips to Achieve the Best Sound

How to Position a Microphone for a Podcast: Tips to Achieve the Best Sound

When it comes to podcasting, having a high-quality microphone is essential for delivering clear and professional-sounding audio. But simply owning a good microphone isn't enough – it also needs to be properly positioned in order to achieve the best results. In this guide, we'll go over some basic techniques for positioning your microphone to help you sound your best, including podcast mic placement, how close you should be to the mic, and how to stop plosives.

Common Issues from Improper Microphone Positioning

Before we dive into the specifics of mic positioning, it's important to understand what can go wrong when it's not done properly. Some of the most common issues resulting from poor podcast microphone position include:

  • Sounding distant or muffled
  • Increased room sound or reverb
  • Unwanted noise, such as breathing or background hum

Now let's discuss some best practices for microphone placement.

Mic Distance

The distance between your mouth and the microphone is a crucial factor in achieving good sound quality. As a general rule, dynamic microphones are better suited for closer placement, while condenser microphones can be placed a bit further away. Dynamic mics are more directional and less sensitive than condensers, meaning they can reject more background noise and unwanted sounds.

For a dynamic microphone, you'll want to be positioned fairly close to it – around 2-4 inches away. For a condenser mic, you can afford to be a bit further away – around 6-8 inches.

Dynamic vs. Condenser Mics

Dynamic microphones are almost always the best choice for podcasters that aren't in studio-quality spaces. They are rugged, versatile, and affordable. Dynamic microphones can handle high sound pressure levels without distortion and offer excellent background noise rejection. They are also more durable than condenser microphones and don't require phantom power.

Condenser microphones, on the other hand, are more sensitive and can capture more detail than dynamic microphones. They can be great for recording in controlled studio environments, but they can also capture more background noise and other unwanted sounds. They require phantom power to operate and are generally more expensive than dynamic mics.


One of the most common issues in podcast audio is the "popping" sound that can occur when certain consonants (such as "P" or "B") are spoken. These sounds create a burst of air that can overload the microphone and cause distortion in the recording. To avoid this, many podcasters use a pop filter or windscreen to diffuse the air and prevent it from hitting the mic directly.

Eliminating Plosives without a Pop Filter or Windscreen

If you don't have a pop filter or windscreen, there's still a way to eliminate plosives from your recordings. Simply position the microphone slightly to the side of your mouth, rather than directly in front of it. This will allow the air to pass by the mic without hitting it directly, reducing the likelihood of pops and plosives.

Shock Mounts

Another consideration when positioning your microphone is the use of a shock mount. This is a device that suspends the microphone, reducing the amount of handling noise and other vibrations that can interfere with the recording. While not essential for all microphones, a shock mount can be a worthwhile investment if you're looking to achieve the best possible sound quality.

In summary, there are a few key things to keep in mind when positioning your microphone for podcasting. First, make sure you're at the right distance from the mic, depending on the type of microphone you're using. If you're experiencing plosives, consider using a pop filter or windscreen, or positioning the mic slightly to the side of your mouth. And if you're looking to reduce handling noise or vibrations, consider using a shock mount. By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to achieving optimal sound quality for your podcast.

Learn how to edit your podcast to get even better sound at Tansy Aster Academy. Check out our Podcast Editing School.
